I probably, in a good year, get about 100 page views if I am lucky. The point of this little neglected blog is uniquely personal, to occasionally capture and share thoughts and anecdotes I want to keep a record of.
I have only extremely rarely heard from anyone I didn't actually know. Once I got some good advice about getting a French driver's license and once I got some addresses for decent bagels in Paris. That is the grand total of comments from strangers I have received.
Until yesterday.
People!! In response to my "HRC is a Crook" post from a few days ago, I actually received an email from what I can only conclude is a paid Hillbot. I have learned about their existence and activities from Reddit and TOP and Caucus 99 percent and I find it both hilarious and pitiful that one of them seriously took the time to write me, to essentially order me to "change my tone" in regards to HRC. This person/bot tried to admonish - nay shame - me into stopping my "vitriol" against a candidate who is the epitome of what is wrong with American politics today.
No way, José.
You don't like my tone? Too bad. You think I am being hyperbolic? So be it.
You call out criticism of your candidate from a blog that has maybe 2 page views a day?