I've mentioned before the similarities between the French and the Japanese, and while I've never lived in Japan, I stand by my assertion that the two cultures share a fondness for useless, strange, and totally inappropriate gifts.
Take for example the recent issue of "A Nous Paris", a free newspaper distributed in métro stations all over the city, whose current issue features gift ideas for the holiday season. Some of them were cool, but most were simply trendy superficial things you were supposed to want so you could be à la mode. (Meaning 'in style' in French, not 'with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side', in case you were confused.)
So, if you were a trendy Parisienne, you were encouraged to buy for the loved ones on your list:
Take for example the recent issue of "A Nous Paris", a free newspaper distributed in métro stations all over the city, whose current issue features gift ideas for the holiday season. Some of them were cool, but most were simply trendy superficial things you were supposed to want so you could be à la mode. (Meaning 'in style' in French, not 'with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side', in case you were confused.)
So, if you were a trendy Parisienne, you were encouraged to buy for the loved ones on your list:

Um, yeah. An "I'm Happy Weirdo" robot.
Doesn't that just scream weird Japanese teenage girl?
And then there is the real pearl of a gift you can be proud to offer to anyone on your list. Described as 'very original' and 'irresistible', it's the ....... drum roll, please........

'Gangsta' oven mitt
Perfect for all those epicureans who don't have room for a lawn jockey. Ahh, racism. The gift that keeps on giving.
Seriously, folks, check that shit out. How irresistibly original! Use this to pull out that casserole from the oven. Wear it with pride as your serve your guests the holiday dishes you prepared from the recipes in the back of "Marie Claire." I mean, really.
Joyeuses Fetes and Happy Holidays from the land of liberte, egalite and fraternite!
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