lundi, juin 14, 2004

No More Excuses

While I will spare you an account of the deep frustration and humiliation that went along with it, I will say that "Before Night Falls" with Javier Bardem is very moving, sad and beautiful movie, even if I couldn't concentrate on it as much as I wanted to due to the blatant lack of interest displayed by the Olivier Martinez lookalike next to me.

The story of Reynaldo Arenas, a Cuban dissident author who was thrown in prison not only for his writing but also for his homosexuality, is a hard one to watch, especially since it is a true story and the man's death is just as tragic as his life. But when I saw that he managed to write a novel in prison using pencil stubs he earned by writing his fellow prisoner's love letters, I thought, now if that man can write a novel in those conditions, surely my lazy ass can churn something out from the comfort of my bedroom.

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